Our lives are getting busier and busier. We all have things that we want to do and dreams to conquer, but sometimes it can be overwhelming – Where do you start? How do you fit it all in?

If you are able to successfully set and achieve goals, you will experience many benefits. Setting goals has many benefits including providing direction, clarity in decision making, providing motivation, giving you a sense of personal satisfaction and giving you control of your future. Without goals, what do you aim for and how?

So, how do you set and accomplish your goals? Here are my top tips to help you set and achieve your goals:

  • Evaluation: Assessing your past and present situation is key to setting goals tailored to you. Ask yourself the following questions; What worked before? What didn’t? Based on these, what do you want to achieve and how can you make improvements?
  • Make it SMARTER: Your goals need to be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time Bound, Evaluative and Revisable.
  • Write it down: Write down your goals into small and manageable steps, so you don’t feel overwhelmed. It could be a little list you keep on you at all times, or something next to your desk.
  • Be disciplined: By setting attainable goals, this should provide you with the discipline to stick to the time line of your goals. If you have given yourself too much to do, change the time line but never the goal! Effective systems and habits make it easier for you to accomplish your goals.
  • Reward yourself: Rewarding yourself will provide you with a big ‘well-done’ feeling! Treating yourself for all your hard work will make all your efforts worthwhile.

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