There is a definite art to successful recruiting and the devil is in the detail from the off. If you are to attract the right applicants for any given role, then it is imperative that proper attention is paid to the formulating/designing the recruitment advertisement.

At Trapeze we understand the pitfalls of using generic advertising templates. Instead we take time with our employers to get to the very crux of what they are seeking from a candidate, what the job description entails and to iron out the detail to be true to the companies we represent. In turn this ensures that we target the attention of a wider audience of specifically qualified and suitable job seekers.  In addition, our advertising is optimized for the way that people search for jobs today, ensuring we obtain sufficient interest in the jobs being offered.

Here are just some of the issues we carefully consider on our behalf:

Attention Grabbing:  We like to open with an attention-grabbing statement or paragraph.

Targeting:  We use key wording or specific terms which relate to the main aspects of the job to maximise the chances of hooking the interest of a suitable candidate.

Being Open: Every organisation we work with has a special or unique feature and this is something we like to promote in the job content through to the preparation for the interview.   Promoting a particular company’s benefits for instance, may be key to attracting the personnel.

Aware of Trends: By keeping a keen eye on the market and all aspects of recruitment, to include our competitors, we keep abreast of key or trend phrases in searches relating to specific jobs/roles.  Many companies lose the opportunity to recruit well because they are unaware of trends.  This inside knowledge is crucial in ensuring that your advertisement reaches a wider audience, giving us the opportunity to select only the best candidates for your consideration.

We Don’t Exaggerate, Make Dishonest Statements or Use Jargon: It is as important to know what information to exclude from an advertisement as it is to know what information to include.  We believe in keeping advertising “real”.  We don’t use words such as global development when your company may operate in this country/county only.

Our Test:  We do not become complacent.  We are always looking to experiment and challenge recruitment and advertising assumptions and methodologies to achieve better results and draw a wider audience.

At the heart of our work is our relationship with you and a bond of trust.


Are you looking for a new job? Contact us at and like our Facebook page to receive regular new job alerts.


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